The Human Tumor Atlas Network: Exploring tumor evolution in time and space
The much anticipated release of the latest collection of research and resources from the Human Tumor Atlas Network is now live.
Join us for a webinar in which leaders of HTAN, Li Ding (Washington University St Louis), Ken Lau (Vanderbilt University) and Shannon Hughes (US National Cancer Institute) discuss the latest exciting progress from HTAN. Chaired by Alexia-Ileana Zaromytidou (Chief Editor, Nature Cancer), the discussions will provide insight into HTAN’s collaborations to compile detailed atlases integrating cellular, molecular and histological features across diverse cancer types and stages. After their discussion, the speakers will be joined by HTAN research leader, Michael Snyder (Stanford University) to answer questions.
This webinar will explore:
The history of HTAN
The goals of assembling cancer atlases
Functioning of a successful multi-institution consortium
In numbers: HTAN’s scope and scale
The power of spatial technologies
Applying evolutionary principles in cancer research
The importance of understanding the cancer microenvironment
How you can use HTAN’s resources for your own research
The future of the field