Back to All Events From Lab Bench to Clinic: How to Solve Global Health Challenges by Developing New Therapies through Innovation & Founding New Companies Thursday, January 20, 2022 10:00 AM 10:45 AM Google Calendar ICS Registere Here The talk will focus on how advanced drug delivery systems developed at Langer's lab led to products and companies which are pioneering novel treatments for cancer, other diseases and development of COVID-19 Vaccines.
From Lab Bench to Clinic: How to Solve Global Health Challenges by Developing New Therapies through Innovation & Founding New Companies Thursday, January 20, 2022 10:00 AM 10:45 AM Google Calendar ICS Registere Here The talk will focus on how advanced drug delivery systems developed at Langer's lab led to products and companies which are pioneering novel treatments for cancer, other diseases and development of COVID-19 Vaccines.